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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs and DOIs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Sono disponibili le norme redazionali e la linea editoriale.

Review della letteratura / Surveys

Double-blind peer review.

Saggi / Original Articles

Double-blind peer review.

Testimonianza / Opinions and commentaries

Revisione effettuata da due membri della redazione scelti dal Direttore.

Invito alla lettura / Review

Controllo di forma effettuato dal capo redattore.

The Wealth of the Nations

The Wealth of the Nations: Production Dynamics and Manufacturing Change

Guest Editors: Patrizio Bianchi (Università di Ferrara and Regione Emilia Romagna), Roberto Scazzieri (University of Bologna and University of Cambridge).

Permanent Call: no deadline for submission.


Potentially Interested authors are encouraged to submit an abstract of 2 or 3 pages outlining the proposed manuscript to the contact Guest Editor ( If invited to proceed with a full manuscript, the final paper must be submitted at the following link:
During the submission process, the authors will have the opportunity to indicate, from a dropdown menu within the system, the appropriate call for paper by selecting “The Wealth of the Nations”.
Please note that all submissions are not guaranteed publication and will be subject to l’Industria normal rigorous peer review process.

The implementation of the Circular economy

The «state of the art» in the implementation of the Circular economy. A cross-country perspective

Associate Editors: Francesca Spigarelli (Università di Macerata), Alessandro Sarra (Università degli Studi di G. D’Annunzio di Chieti e Pescara), Alessandro Marra (Università degli Studi di G. D’Annunzio di Chieti e Pescara), Massimo Beccarello (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca), Giacomo Di Foggia (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca).

Permanent Call: no deadline for submission.


Papers must be submitted at the following link:

During the submission process, the authors will have the opportunity to indicate, from a dropdown menu within the system, the appropriate call for paper by selecting “The implementation of the Circular economy”. Please note that all submissions are not guaranteed publication and will be subject to l’Industria normal rigorous peer review process.

Economic crisis and structural industrial policies

Structural industrial policies and the path out of the crisis. Is a new paradigm possible for the European Union?

Associate Editors: Cesare Pozzi (Università degli Studi di Foggia) e Alessandro Sarra (Università degli Studi di G. D’Annunzio di Chieti e Pescara).

Permanent Call: no deadline for submission.


Papers must be submitted at the following link:
During the submission process, the authors will have the opportunity to indicate, from a dropdown menu within the system, the appropriate call for paper by selecting “Economic crisis and structural industrial policies”. Please note that all submissions are not guaranteed publication and will be subject to l’Industria normal rigorous peer review process.

International practices on industrial policy

Industrial policy: learning from international practices

Associate Editors: Marco R. Di Tommaso (Università degli Studi di Ferrara and c.MET05) and Elisa Barbieri (Università degli Studi di Venezia Ca’ Foscari and c.MET05).

Permanent Call: no deadline for submission.


Papers must be submitted at the following link:
During the submission process, the authors will have the opportunity to indicate, from a dropdown menu within the system, the appropriate call for paper by selecting “International practices on industrial policy”. Please note that all submissions are not guaranteed publication and will be subject to l’Industria normal rigorous peer review process.

Il posizionamento dell’Italia nelle GVC

Il posizionamento dell’Italia nelle Global Value Chain: un focus sui settori del made in Italy

Associate Editors: Lauretta Rubini (Università di Ferrara) and Francesca Spigarelli (Università di Macerata).

Permanent Call: nessuna scadenza per l’invio dei paper.


Gli articoli devono essere proposti alla Rivista tramite la piattaforma disponibile all’indirizzo: Si richiede agli autori di indicare la call for paper nell’ambito della quale si sottopone l’articolo selezionando la sezione “Il posizionamento dell’Italia nelle GVC”. Tutti gli articoli sottoposti saranno oggetto di valutazione tramite la consueta procedura di referaggio della Rivista.

Policies to attract FDI

Policies to Attract foreign direct investments and development: challenges for industry and territories

Associate Editors: Francesca Spigarelli (Università di Macerata) and Elisa Barbieri (Università di Udine).

Permanent call: no deadline for submission.


Papers must be submitted at the following link:
During the submission process, the authors will have the opportunity to indicate, from a dropdown menu within the system, the appropriate call for paper by selecting “Policies to attract FDI”. Please note that all submissions are not guaranteed publication and will be subject to l’Industria normal rigorous peer review process.


Innovazioni digitali e PMI

L’impatto delle innovazioni digitali nei sistemi produttivi locali di piccola e media impresa: tendenze di lungo periodo e incroci con la ricostruzione in uscita e dopo l’emergenza sanitaria

Associate Editors: Marco Bellandi (Università di Firenze), Giancarlo Corò (Università di Venezia), Gianfranco Viesti (Università di Bari).

Permanent Call: nessuna scadenza per l’invio dei paper.


Gli articoli, in italiano o in inglese, devono essere proposti alla Rivista tramite la piattaforma disponibile all’indirizzo: Si richiede agli autori di indicare la call for paper nell'ambito della quale si sottopone l’articolo selezionando nel menù a tendina "Innovazioni digitali e PMI”. Tutti gli articoli sottoposti saranno oggetto di valutazione tramite la consueta procedura di referaggio della Rivista.

The state and prospects of regulation


Associate Editors: Nicola Matteucci, Marche Polytechnic University; Claudio De Vincenti, Sapienza University of Rome.

Permanent call: no deadline for submission.


Papers must be submitted at the following link:
During the submission process, the authors will have the opportunity to indicate, from a dropdown menu within the system, the appropriate call for paper by selecting “The state and prospects of regulation”. Please note that all submissions are not guaranteed publication and will be subject to l’Industria normal rigorous peer review process.

Institutional Quality And Regional Governance


Associate Editors: Annamaria Nifo (Università del Sannio); Lauretta Rubini (Università di Ferrara)

Permanent call: no deadline for submission.


Potentially interested authors are encouraged to submit an abstract of 2 or 3 pages outlining the main issues addressed in the proposed manuscript. Abstract should be sent electronically to the editors (Annamaria Nifo; Lauretta Rubini If invited to proceed with a full manuscript, the final paper must be submitted at the following link:
During the submission process, the authors will have the opportunity to indicate, from a dropdown menu within the system, the appropriate call for paper by selecting “Institutional Quality And Regional Governance”. Please note that all submissions are not guaranteed publication and will be subject to l’Industria normal rigorous peer review process.

Innovazione organizzativa nelle imprese manifatturiere

L’innovazione organizzativa nelle imprese manifatturiere prima e durante la Grande Recessione

Associate Editors: Alessandro Arrighetti e Fabio Landini, Università degli Studi di Parma.

Permanent Call: nessuna scadenza per l’invio dei paper.


Gli articoli devono essere proposti alla Rivista tramite la piattaforma disponibile all’indirizzo: Si richiede agli autori di indicare la call for paper nell’ambito della quale si sottopone l’articolo selezionando nel menù a tendina “Innovazione organizzativa nelle imprese manifatturiere”. Tutti gli articoli sottoposti saranno oggetto di valutazione tramite la consueta procedura di referaggio della Rivista.

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